
Harless Log Homes

A company who uses quality materials and expert craftsmanship. As a result, we help clients in build their dream log home. We are proud to work with Mountain State Log Homes for custom designs.

Harless Log Homes offers more than just building log homes. All of our services allow us to work with the customer. With our experience and knowledge, we will create a project as unique as you.

Some of our services include:

  • Design work
  • Remodeling and alterations
  • Permitting
  • Site Preparation
  • Carpentry
  • Painting
  • Cement Foundations
  • Plumbing and utilities installations
  • Exteriors renovations
  • Subcontractor assessment and evaluation
  • Erecting log homes
  • Finish work
  • Installing hardwood floors
  • Masonry work (rock, block, tile)
  • Making custom trim